
The ‘artist’ is the central figure within the research outputs of Dr. Jack Roberts - whether considering the evaluation of contemporary art, finance of the art world or the commercial art market it is always considered from the artist’s perspective. It is the talent of the artist that sustains the art world and it is Jack’s view that it is of critical importance to always make these agents the focus when researching the arts.

Lectures and talks are also a key part of disseminating our research. Dr. Jack Roberts has lectured on the topic of the artist and the art market at UK universities and institutions.

Please contact us for further information on research and details of the lectures - 

Below are details of some published research projects and links to where they can be read -

PhD - ‘Production to Consumption - The Artist-Dealer Relationship’


Despite the expansion of the contemporary art world and art market and the increased attention this has brought from theorists and researchers, there is still little known of the artist’s involvement in the operational dynamics of how art flows from production to consumption – beyond the artist’s role as the producer of the art object. This reinforces the image of the artist as ‘solitary genius’ and being isolated from the art world and art market. Is this romanticised notion from past eras still applicable in today’s globalised art world and art market? 


This research assembles a contextual picture of the art world and art market – the complex logics are laid out within a framework considering how value is created, how the networks of agents operate as well as exploring what is currently known of the artist’s position within these networks (other than as producer). Following this, empirical evidence from in-depth interviews with artists and dealers reveals that artists are both actively and reactively engaged in developing their art world and art market. It is specifically in relation to the structure of the artist-dealer relationship; the day-to-day administration of this relationship; and the management of third party relationships where their engagement takes place. Furthermore, the research reveals there is a lack of clarity at the core of the art world and art market (specifically in the artist-dealer relationship), which is exacerbated by a reliance upon trust; this trust means that communications often do not occur and instead assumptions are made based on expectations. These expectations when unfulfilled can result in the artist taking an even greater level of administrative engagement. I therefore propose that the artist is both a creator and an administrator, whose administrative actions or inactions can develop or hinder their position within the art world and art market networks and ultimately impact on the value of them and their art. 

In alphabetical order the interviewees were - David Batchelor; Tony Bevan; Richard Billingham; Karla Black; Martin Boyce; Pablo Bronstein; Ben Brown; Pavel Büchler; Louisa Buck; Brian Clarke; Alan Cristea; Angela de la Cruz; Jeremy Deller; Susan Derges; Stephen Feeke; Ryan Gander; Kevin Francis Gray; Alex Hartley; Whitney Hintz; Richard Ingleby; Merlin James; Eemyun Kang; Joseph Kosuth; David Mach; David Nash; Simon Patterson; Nicola Shane; Karsten Shubert; David Stone; Sally Tallant; Mark Titchner; Gavin Turk; Edmund de Waal; and Glenn Scott Wright - as well as those who wished to remain anonymous.

Dr Jack Roberts, 2017

Other Projects

TIAMSA Conference 2018 Paper Title - Is the Age of the Dealer Drawing to a Close or Is It More Important than Ever?28/09/2018 - Belvedere 21, Vienna

TIAMSA Conference 2018 

Paper Title - Is the Age of the Dealer Drawing to a Close or Is It More Important than Ever?

28/09/2018 - Belvedere 21, Vienna

Designing a Sensibility for Sustainable Clothing (S4S)AHRC funded project ran by Wolverhampton University and The University of Exeter which aims to design a sensibility for sustainable clothing through a partnership of community spaces, consultants, project participants, video-makers and academics.

Designing a Sensibility for Sustainable Clothing (S4S)

AHRC funded project ran by Wolverhampton University and The University of Exeter which aims to design a sensibility for sustainable clothing through a partnership of community spaces, consultants, project participants, video-makers and academics.

Book Review: ‘Art Production Beyond The Art Market?

Roberts, J. (2014). Book Review: ‘Art Production Beyond The Art Market?, Karen Van Den Berg And Ursula Pasero (Eds)’.

Article: 'Payment in a Diverse Landscape: Beyond the Gallery'Ravetz, A.; Roberts, J.; & Wright, L. (2015). Payment in a Diverse Landscape: Beyond the Gallery.

Article: 'Payment in a Diverse Landscape: Beyond the Gallery'

Ravetz, A.; Roberts, J.; & Wright, L. (2015). Payment in a Diverse Landscape: Beyond the Gallery.